Our Vision
As a Church Family of God, our vision is to create a loving, welcoming fellowship.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we seek to become a beacon of the love of God in Christ Jesus.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we seek to become a beacon of the love of God in Christ Jesus.
The Mission
Led by the Holy Spirit, we go forth as a Family of Faith proclaiming and celebrating the life-giving and
freeing power of God's unconditional love in Jesus Christ to all people by:
STRIVING to provide time, facilities and materials for all ages through our Education programs so that God's children
will have the opportunity to grow in the Gospel and experience God's presence in our midst.
USING our congregational gifts of location, compassion, generosity, friendliness, and inclusiveness to meet, through our program of Evangelism, the needs of our neighbors: seasonal visitors, the homeless, migrant workers, and young families. We also continue our outreach to others in God's family, prayerfully meeting new challenges as they come to us.
MAKING our Property facilities accessible and appropriate so that in large or small groups, either worshiping or working, we will be able to grow in the Gospel through Fellowship and educational opportunities to provide support
for those who are our neighbors.
RESPONDING in loving care and concern through the outreach of Social Ministry as we meet the needs of
those in our area through material items and emotional support.
GATHERING volunteers to share the knowledge of St. Peter's local, national and worldwide ministries through appropriate Stewardship of time, talent and treasure so that we may respond to the needs of others.
PROVIDING a Worship experience through Word and Sacrament using historic and contemporary materials which will form a vibrant Liturgy for our growth in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
freeing power of God's unconditional love in Jesus Christ to all people by:
STRIVING to provide time, facilities and materials for all ages through our Education programs so that God's children
will have the opportunity to grow in the Gospel and experience God's presence in our midst.
USING our congregational gifts of location, compassion, generosity, friendliness, and inclusiveness to meet, through our program of Evangelism, the needs of our neighbors: seasonal visitors, the homeless, migrant workers, and young families. We also continue our outreach to others in God's family, prayerfully meeting new challenges as they come to us.
MAKING our Property facilities accessible and appropriate so that in large or small groups, either worshiping or working, we will be able to grow in the Gospel through Fellowship and educational opportunities to provide support
for those who are our neighbors.
RESPONDING in loving care and concern through the outreach of Social Ministry as we meet the needs of
those in our area through material items and emotional support.
GATHERING volunteers to share the knowledge of St. Peter's local, national and worldwide ministries through appropriate Stewardship of time, talent and treasure so that we may respond to the needs of others.
PROVIDING a Worship experience through Word and Sacrament using historic and contemporary materials which will form a vibrant Liturgy for our growth in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ